Getting Gender Diversity Right
11 Jul, 20194 min
Gender diversity is not a new topic but this in no way diminishes its importance in today’s business world.
It is so important that we made it one of the three key themes for articles in the first ever edition of the Armstrong Craven Review.
Writing in the AC Review, Charlotte Moffatt, one of our Talent Partners, comments:
“Despite the immense focus on gender diversity in recent years, a look at the list of CEOs for FTSE 100 companies highlights there is still a long way to go. There are still more CEOs named Dave than total women – there are currently nine called Dave and only seven women.”
Thankfully, a growing number of organisations are putting in place proactive gender diversity strategies.
Initiatives have included:
- Women only networking events with undergraduates to discuss career options;
- Mentoring and career development schemes to upskill women;
- Flexible / home working to reduce commuting time and improve work/ life balance;
- Hiring strategies ensuring diverse shortlists and interview panels.
Charlotte writes in the Review: “While these initiatives are a step in the right direction, it is important that companies are genuinely committed and not only doing it as a tick box exercise.”
To find out more about how to attract female talent, read Charlotte’s article here
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