The Evolution of Talent Intelligence



In a fascinating interview with Elizabeth Birrell, Director of Insight and Talent Analytics at Armstrong Craven, we explore the ever-evolving landscape of Talent Intelligence and how, along with AI and Machine Learning, it is set to transform the way organisations identify, attract and retain outstanding talent.

Talent Intelligence is no longer a buzzword; it is becoming a strategic imperative for businesses. It utilises external labour market data to offer a comprehensive view of the talent landscape, complementing internal analytics efforts. This data empowers businesses to understand their workforce’s capabilities, identify strengths and weaknesses, and benchmark talent against competitors. 

Its growing importance means Talent Intelligence is on the rise, and traditional sectors are catching up with tech companies who were the early adopters, in embracing its potential. AI and Machine Learning are reshaping TI’s future and supporting its acceleration, and while they hold immense promise, there are also cautions and concerns over their use that need to be addressed. As a global leader in this field, Armstrong Craven have made it their mission to support businesses to reap the benefits of Talent Intelligence. 

In an exclusive interview with Elizabeth Birrell, Director of Insight and Talent Analytics at Armstrong Craven, we delve into the evolving landscape of Talent Intelligence and how it will transform how businesses identify, attract, and retain outstanding talent.

'We're dedicated to guiding our clients deeper into the realm of Talent Intelligence and the transformative power of AI and machine learning. For those concerned, AI certainly won't be overtaking the human role in talent acquisition. These cutting-edge tools are just making the trajectory of TI bright and future-focused.'
-Elizabeth Birrell, Armstrong Craven

The key focus points discussed by Elizabeth in our interview are:

  • The definition of Talent Intelligence

  • The rise of AI and machine learning in Talent Intelligence

  • The evolution of Talent Intelligence 

  • Benefits of using a third-party Talent Intelligence provider 

  • Stand-out Talent Intelligence projects

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With over 30 years experience, Armstrong Craven are ready to transform talent acquisition within your business with our Talent Intelligence service. Our tailored approach, driven by research-driven in-depth analysis, close collaboration, and innovative tools, can support your organisation's talent strategy and give you a competitive edge. Contact the Armstrong Craven team for more details.